Disability Housing Alliance

Our Mission

The Disability Housing Alliance promotes the inclusion of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the community of their choice by advocating for development and availability of a range of housing options. 

Who We Are

The Disability Housing Alliance (DHA) is a newly formed group of parents and family members, self-advocates, and organizations who are dedicated to increasing housing options for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).  The group includes Future For Our Kids, Alta California Regional Center (ACRC), State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD), Housing Now, and Placer Independent Resource Services (PIRS).  Future For Our Kids is the point of contact for the group and is a Placer County resource for parents of transition age kids and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who gather regularly to discuss planning a life of quality for adult children with IDD. 

What we do

The group members have a high degree of interest in advocating for resources which will help their family member explore their interests, achieve their goals, and live as independently as they can.  Housing and related living supports have emerged as an area of urgent concern.  While housing development is critically important, our family members also need person-centered support services to be successful in independent living, and these resources must be simultaneously developed and accessible.  Shortages of these basic services are of serious concern in both metropolitan and rural communities.  DHA is committed to taking a more active role in working to stimulate the interest of policy and governing bodies as well as developers and others involved in, or who contribute to, planning for the community’s housing and support needs. 

Disability Housing Alliance has monthly zoom meetings with parents, caregivers and community stakeholders. 

We usually meet on the first Thursday of the month from 1-2:30pm.
To be added to our email list and/or join our zooms, please email futureforourkidsca@gmail.com
